
Bigger waste containers to help moving out

Bigger waste containers to help moving out

Removable waste containers for tenants’ use to help moving out can be found at

  • Kuntotie: DAS X, Kuntotie 10 and
  • Rantavitikka: DAS Aapo, Ylikorvantie 23
  • Asemarinne: DAS III, Ratakatu 10,

Removable waste containers are at place 22.5.-5.6.2020

Please remember: NO hazardous waste or electronic equipment in these containers!

  • When you move out please take with you your bicycle and empty your storage space.
  • Let’s take care of our living environment together. It means that storage space corridors are kept empty and next to the waste containers is not collected old sofas, beds or televisions!

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