DAS Aapo

Ylikorvantie 23
General information
Ylikorvantie 23
Built 1988

Balcony in all apartments
  • Sauna in the building
  • Laundry room
  • Elevator
  • Parking spots
Apartment types
38 pcs
350 - 562 €/month
22 - 37 m²
22 m²
350 €/month

23.5 m²
374 €/month

26.5 m²
408 €/month

27 m²
416 €/month

37 m²
562 €/month

Two room apartment
5 pcs
607 €/month
40 m²
40 m²
607 €/month


Rantavitikka Jukola

In Rantavitikka area there are situated so called Jukola -houses which have been named by the Finnish national epic "Seitsemän veljestä". Jukola area is situated nearby the University of Lapland and DAS office. These 11 houses are very comfortable and you can walk in 5 minutes to the University of Lapland. 

Cozy living at the campus area of Rovaniemi, near University of Lapland and Lapland UAS Rantavitikka campus. This area suits for you who wishes to walk to school. The city centrum is about two kilometers away and the route follows charming river and pond views. Every house has internet connection and common sauna. Other services are for example sauna turns, laundry, drying rooms, clubroom, gym and study room.

Jukola suits especially for families, couples and students wishing to live in a shared apartment. Living costs are average living costs at DAS.

DAS Aapo

Ylikorvantie 23

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