You can reach DAS services now from one phone number

You can reach DAS services now from one phone number

DAS call center has been updated and from this day forward all DAS services can be reached behind one number. The number is the same as before +358 20 7699 180. The old maintenance service phone number (+358 20 7699 187) is no longer in use. Phoning to DAS guides you to choose correct language and service and this way we want to improve reaching the correct person right away.

To improve our service we will start using also the recording of the phone calls. If your phone call is recorded, you will hear a notice about it in the beginning of the call.

Customer service can be reached through call service on Mon-Tue and on Thu-Fri at 12-15 and on Wed on 12-17. In addition on the last and first moving day of the month pshone service is available between 9-17. Maintenance service can be reached on weekdays between 8-16.

Let’s be in touch!


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