
We keep developing our housing stock

We keep developing our housing stock

The renovations in DAS Tuomas and Juhani are going well and the houses will be move-in ready August 1, 2023.

On January 27, 2023, we celebrated the roofing ceremony of the buildings. In the morning, DAS staff got to see the sites. There will be 37 studios and 5 pcs 2-room apartments in DAS Juhani and 48 studios in DAS Tuomas.

Traditionally at the roofing ceremony pea soup was served for lunch, and cake and coffee ended the event.

DAS will continue to develop the housing stock after DAS Tuomas and Juhani. Next renovations have been planned for the DAS Aapo and Simeoni buildings. In the summer of 2023, it will be clear whether we are able to start the renovations.

If we are able to start to renovate the buildings, the renovation will start in August 2023.


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