
Small actions have a big impact

Small actions have a big impact

The price and availability of energy affects each of us this winter. Even if you don't pay for electricity or heating yourself, your consumption is part of the total load.

Heating, the use of hot water and electricity weigh the most on the energy bill. When the consumption of heat and electricity decreases, the climate load also decreases.

Could one of the following electricity saving tips become a part of your everyday life?

  • Turn off devices you are not using. Remember, for example, to turn off the laptop (not just close the lid).
  • Disconnect the chargers from the mains after charging is complete
  • Switch to LED lights. Make sure there are no old-fashioned light bulbs in the lights.
  • Take advantage of common sauna shifts. If common sauna shifts are available, take a sauna and wash during them. In common shifts, several people can benefit from the heating of the stove.
  • Dry the laundry on the clothes rack. Drying laundry on a rack indoors or outdoors does not consume energy, unlike a dryer.
  • Use the oven's heating heat and residual heat
    - You can often put the food to heat up while the oven is heating up, so you don't have to keep the oven on for so long.
    - Also remember to use the residual heat, i.e. the time when the oven is still warm, but has already been turned off.


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